Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kiss and tell...

What I look forward to the most after losing this weight, besides looking like Heidi Klum (yeah, that's right, I have goals) is the *ahem* 'skinny romance'.  Something about the way my confidence rises as I lose makes things hotter between my fella and I.  After almost twenty years of marriage, that may only amount to a slight increase in hotness  (like maybe a flimsy matchbook match or a lighter that's low on lighter fluid) but seriously, I'll take what I can get.

I mentioned that I had lost a CHUNK of weight back in 2007.  I had begun to slowly gain it back in 2008.  Then my fella did something life changing - he quit his job and started a small business.  Then, because he hadn't quite freaked me out enough, he moved the kids and I waaaay away from our friends and family to a community where we knew NO. ONE.  

I was not happy in the beginning.  I felt isolated, lonely, out of place, and homesick.  The slow gain that I had started became a steady gain.  By August of this year, I was close to fifty pounds overweight and teetering toward an all time non-pregnancy high of 200 pounds!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming my husband.  He certainly didn't force me to medicate with food.

I didn't stay miserable in our new community - at least not with the community itself.  I began to see how God had blessed my kids, how he had blessed our entire family, and I realized, "Hey!  I can be happy here!"  That's when it hit me; maybe I should quit punishing my husband by making him sleep with a fat chick. 

I am not saying for one moment that he hasn't been anything but loving and devoted to me.  But let's face it, when there is fat between you and your lover, that encompasses a lot more than just size.  There is a large amount of self confidence issues that come with obesity (or maybe it's only me that feels that way).  It can become like an emotional wedge inserted between two people, even if they love each other.  Baggage is baggage folks, whether it's physical or emotional (or both), and it just isn't good!

So as my weight decreases and my confidence increases, I tend to be more of a vixen (boy, doesn't my Southern Baptist self LOVE using that word) with my husband.  He doesn't mind a bit (bless his heart).  So yeah, that's just one more (fabulous) thing to motivate me!


Angie said...

Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog, and thanks for this honest post. The weight really does change the romance, even in the best of relationships.

My hubby has always told me I'm pretty, but now he *shows* it a bit more.

Angie said...
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Heather Hawkinson said...

Love the post. I am similarly blessed with a wonderful husband who accepts me just as I am. But it is so true. Things were a lot steamier when I was smaller!

Southern Gal said...

Thanks for the sweet comment. I never struggled with weight until I had my last baby eight years ago at 38 years old. It has been a struggle ever since and I think right now I'm losing. The struggle not the weight. You've inspired me to try, try again.

Jen said...

Hi there! I'm loving your blog. Great posts. You are correct about the lovin being hotter! But I don't kiss and tell so I can't say more than that. haha

Donell said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I really like yours! Good luck with your goals.

Christine Jeske said...

I completely love the theme of your blog! You have drawn me in already. You will do awesome! ♥

Nadia said...

Go girl! Keep going!